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Unisys Selects Animetrics’ Facial Biometric Technologies for Synthetic Identification Models

Unisys Corporation has chosen Animetrics for providing state-of-the-art facial biometrics technologies and related services for the implementation of an order for synthetic identification models from the DOD.

Animetrics Forensica

Animetrics is an expert in face recognition technology. It is the only company that uses 2D–3D face creation technology for matching face recognition even under the worst imaging situations. The company will offer the latest enhancements in the field of 3D facial processing to the DOD including tools for face identification and the required utilities for the national defence community.

Thomas Giroir, Managing Director for Advanced Programs, Unisys, informs that Animetrics’ 3D technology provides more precise face biometrics features by using merely video frames or photographs of faces. Giroir adds that the technology will aid its customers, especially the defence community, in accurate identification of people of interest and thus improve situational awareness of the nation.

Paul Schuepp, CEO and President of Animetrics, commented that the company has been closely associated with Unisys for the past five years while working together in a number of contracts from the DOD. These contracts involved rendering 2D/3D-based facial applications more practicable and precise for use by the field agents of the DOJ and the DOD. Schuepp reveals that Animetrics is quite excited to be in a position to develop real solutions related to facial imagery from almost all angles and benefit from using mobile platforms for its technologies.

FACEngine, the core technology on which 2D to 3D face recognition and development products are based, is backed by three patents. Forensica, a product that deals with FACEngine of Animetrics as well as 2D to 3D conversion, will undergo development to a greater extent to as part of the DOD contract. Forensica will be accessible for commercial applications related to border control and law enforcement areas.

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