The Uncooled Thermal Imager Core (UTIC) is an electrooptical engine based on tate-of–the-art Vanadium Oxide microbolometer high resolution (640 x 480) focal planes. Dedicated A/D conversion and processing electronics, developed by SELEX Galileo, allows on-board processing capability to attain the best image quality.
The advantages of the uncooled InfraRed (IR) technology means that there is no need for cryo-cooling devices, resulting in a reduction in weight, size and power consumption of the thermal imager, and with an overall improvement to reliability.
- High performance Long Wave InfraRed (LWIR) uncooled core
- Lightweight compact design
- Low power consumption
- Ease of system integration
- Flexible video out and control interface
- Programmable configuration
- Auto or manual gain and offset
- Programmable gain and offset region
- Auto calibration at start-up
- User programmable text display and symbols
- Freeze frame
- Four programmable correction tables
- Auto calibration mode based on residual non-uniformity evaluation
- Colour text and graphics in video electronics standard association mode
- Military specification compliant.