Benefiting from a unique facility, where temperatures remain constant year-round and vibration is practically non-existent, Optical Surfaces Ltd is able to routinely produce and test demanding telescope spectrograph optics (aspheres, flats, lenses, mirrors and prisms) that stretch the limits of conventional optical fabrication techniques.
Using a spectrograph, researchers are able to study the chemical and physical conditions that exist through a cross-section of space. Combined with a land or space-based telescope a spectrograph can reveal valuable information about the spectral distribution of light from a distant astronomical object.
Benefitting from its highly experienced team of optical designers, engineers, and skilled production staff and its uniquely stable manufacturing facility - Optical Surfaces Ltd. has been chosen as a preferred supplier by many renowned international astronomy research groups. Notable projects completed by Optical Surfaces include SPIRou and ESPaDOnS spectrographs at the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope (CFHT), the Narval stellar spectropolarimeter on the 2 m Bernard Lyot Telescope in the French Pyrenees, the High Resolution Optical Spectrograph (HROS) based on the 8 m Gemini Telescope in Chile and the Fibre-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph (FEROS) at the European Southern Observatory (ESO).
As a leading international supplier of high precision optics for astronomical telescopes - Optical Surfaces maintains a range of interferometers that allows one-to-one testing of even the largest diameter spectrograph optics. Topographic and fringe analysis provides precise testing of surface roughness and confirms the wave front of various surface forms. Operating a rolling program for calibration of test optics where possible to national standards and production approval to ISO 9001-2015 ensures that the quality of telescope spectrograph optics from Optical Surfaces Ltd. is second to none.