Tell us about your company and why you are attending SENSOR+TEST 2018?
The company name is Analog Microelectronic. We are not a young company, we have been going for 25 to 35 years in the field of microelectronics. We are here because seven years ago we started with sensors instead of integrated tactics. It is a product that we developed and produced before.
What products are you highlighting this year?
This year we are highlighting a small reinterized pressure sensor and pressure sensor with analog digital output, but we have several kinds of product. The sensors can be customized to its own PCP or transmitters.
What makes these product different from anything that is on the marketplace?
Our products come with excellent service and a great relation between price and the specification.
Which industries can benefit from these products?
Automatic, automatization, medicine, and aerospace. For example one of the medical applications is respiration control.