Sep 20 2010
The Metropolitan Transit Authority plans to install surveillance cameras in over 340 subway cars.
Deirdre Parker, MTA spokesperson mentioned that already four subway cars have been integrated with cameras as part of a pilot test program, in order to check how the novel measure works with the prevailing security system. The MTA expects that the subway cameras will help in preventing crime and it will promote their collaboration with the NYPD.
MTA is investing $750 million for the new project. The closed circuit cameras will be installed in new trains and the electronic screens will exhibit the location of the train.
Parker said that the cameras will only record the events and will not furnish real-time communication. "Liable to be recorded" signs will be notified in cars as a warning to the passengers. David Shorten, senior at CAS stated that the implementation of cameras in a public location will not raise private issues.
According to Daniel Rodriguez Public Safety Officer at NYU, the subway cars can be installed with the surveillance cameras upon limiting the fares and he added that the low number of clerks at toll booth ensures MTA’s effort in strengthening the security.