Sep 28 2010
Sensiron unveils new versions of the pre-certified SDP600 series differential pressure sensors to be used for foolproof applications.
These digital sensors have high sensitivity, long-term stability and accuracy features, particularly in low pressure differences, and are utilized in HVAC and medical applications. The series consisting of four models, namely the SDP620, SDP621, SDP630 and SDP631, have an extra feature of verifying the measured values. Its pre-certification helps the sensor to be smoothly incorporated into reliable control systems, which is actually very important as far as high safety requirement for applications such as gas burners, eliminating a need for two sensors.
These sensors can be set up to supply unique test patterns, for checking errors through an external microprocessor. The sensors can attain differential pressure measurements and class C safety level mass flow values. They conform to Euro norms EN 12067-2:2004 and EN 13611:2007.
According to Sensiron, these new sensors could be customized to varied hardware designs and applications, to provide superior flexibility during integration processes, to help clients. The SDP621 and SDP631 are ideal for measurement of mass flow, while the SDP620 and SDP630 sensors quantify the actual differential pressure values. The SDP620 and SDP621 are meant to be connected directly through a threaded connection to a pressure outlet sealed with an O-ring, whereas the SDP631 and SDP630 come with standard hose connectors.
These sensors have a high performance value, as the turn-down ratio of gas burners can be increased to 1:10, and provide environmentally friendly combustion at the same time being efficient energy wise. It also has a cost-effective design.