Oct 6 2010
Pacific Sensor Technologies launches MadgeTech’s innovative TCTemp2000 thermocouple temperature data loggers with LCD display units.
The TCTemp2000 can be deployed for various information recording purposes demanding rapid thermal measurements. These thermal data recorders are equipped with a keypad featuring eight-buttons and have a large LCD screen for furnishing easy provision of the power information and logger configuration.
The data recorder features an in-built thermal sensing unit and has a single exterior input for the B, E, J, K, N, R, S and T pattern thermocouples. The levels of the battery, memory capacity, exterior current status, logging status and sampling parameters are all displayed on the LCD screen.
The information exhibited on the display unit encompasses the recording status, channel statistics, measurement data and the display preferences. The statistics can be removed while recording the information.
The unique thermal data recorders provide high-quality operations with reduced expenses.