Oct 14 2010
Critical Environment Technologies Canada (CETCI) declares the release of its PET BACnet gas sensing transmitter. The PET is an innovative cost-effective Parkade Emissions Transmitter that transmits the data using BACnet MS/TP signaling protocol.
The PET is equipped with thermal and electrochemical sensing units to identify nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), oxygen (O2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and temperature.
The device encompasses temperature resetting fuse, triple-color LED display screen for alarm and power, and an additional four-figured LED output.
The advanced sensor Calibration Extending Firmware (CEF) in the devise determines the age of the sensors to carry out non-frequent measurements during unwanted situations.
The measurement and process regulation methodologies can be executed in the field even without the need of an accession to the controller.
The PET can be widely deployed in commercial HVAC applications, non-disastrous vehicle exhaust areas and in light industrial purposes.
The products from CETCI are user-friendly and offer secure and durable performance.