The extraordinary growth in the adoption of integrated photonic devices across a number of existing, emerging, and societally important high-tech sectors has resulted in an exceptional 2020 for ficonTEC. Facing a need for globally oriented guidance drawn on strong experience gained within an international organization, ficonTEC has appointed Augusto Mandelli as Global Director Sales, Service, and Marketing, effective January 2021.
At ficonTEC, Augusto will have responsibility for creating a harmonized sales, service, and marketing motion via the establishment of a unified customer engagement structure. Targeted benefits for the customer include an expanded customer satisfaction strategy in terms of enhanced pre-and post-installation service and support as well as a more clearly defined route to delivering business case goals.
For this task, Augusto brings with him valuable experience in business value selling, international sales, change management, and team alignment. Together with recent changes as well as those currently being implemented within ficonTEC’s organizational and management structure, the overall business goal is significant growth and includes targets such as more than doubling the revenue within the next four years.
Augusto’s path to ficonTEC started with a graduate degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy. Following several years of R&D experience within the Italian industry, in 1993 he completed a Ph.D. in AI/NN before subsequently joining NI’s Sales department. During his tenure at NI, he covered several roles within Sales, Sales Management, and Business Development, all with customer engagement related activities. He additionally oversaw the European scientific research and later the energy segments, and also acted as Business and Technology Advisor on several large end-user engagements, primarily in the aerospace & defense industry.
Following his time with National Instruments Augusto more recently (2018) completed an Executive MBA at LIUC Università Cattaneo, and subsequently (2019) took a role as EMEIA Sales Director at United Electronic Industries, with responsibilities of maintaining double-digit growth, establishing a strong EU footprint EU, and expanding the EU team.
ficonTEC’s strong performance in the market triggered a search for the requisite talents capable of guiding our corporate, operational, and customer-facing departments through 2021 and beyond. In Augusto, we have now found the appropriate lead for our Sales, Service & Marketing departments, and are enthusiastic about creating a coherent structure and realizing the full potential of these already effective teams. By seeding ficonTEC with an appropriate blend of internationally gained experiences in the form of key upper-management figures, such as Augusto, we aim to stay ahead of our global customers’ needs and spearhead the innovation currently taking place in photonics assembly and test.
Torsten Vahrenkamp, CEO, ficonTEC
More details of ficonTEC’s product offering and involvement within different photonics-dependent sectors can be found at: