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YouCare is Born: The T-Shirt that Saves Lives Using 5G is Now a Reality

It's called YouCare and is the new remote health monitoring service, based on a revolutionary new wearable technology, totally textile, washable and easy to use.

Image Credit: ZTE Corporation

This innovation, totally made in Italy, is able to detect a large number of bio-vital parameters of the individual and transmit them, in an intelligent way, thanks to 5G.

The project focuses on the use of revolutionary textile devices like the T-shirt without metal components and with sensors naturally "set" into the fabric. The project was presented today in front of the world press during the Mobile World Congress 2021 being held in Barcelona.

During the event, ZTE iterated that they are particularly proud to be partner in this extraordinary innovation and firmly believe that 5G technology is the key to a better quality of life. ZTE further emphasized that they believe in talent and capabilities and want to keep giving their contribution to the Italian and the global technological development. For this reason, starting from next fall, ZTE will initiate the YouCare 5G test in the Innovation and Research Center located in L'Aquila.

YouCare enables the detection of bio-vital parameters, such as a "real" electrocardiogram, a respiratory act analysis, the components of the sweat, the muscle effort, and the body temperature, that has never been detected by textile sensors. The T-shirt allows the transmission, via ultra-fast 5G ZTE connection, to health centers and control, as well as to individual users.

"It is an invention that will change the life and the quality of home and remote medical assistance to many citizens experiencing health problems and vulnerable people suffering from chronic diseases, ensuring accessibility to care services and the support of our national and international network," said Francesco Rocca, Chairman of Italian Red Cross and IFRC. "We have been working on the project since 2018 and today we are able to present the results of this important experimentation, born in the most difficult moment of the Covid emergence. This experimentation allows us to think with pride about the path made so far and to look to the future with hope and certainty of having demonstrated the commitment, the ability and the dedication of Red Cross network, to use and to disseminate new technologies for the service of the people and of the society."

The textile technology, patented and certified, develops new services for the protection of health in the areas of telemedicine, work, sport, and the general well-being of an individual.

By monitoring health, stress, and active living behaviors, it improves the safety of people, of the elderly, and of the sportive people.

The bio-vital parameters of YouCare, detected by imperceptible polymeric sensors "set" in the fabric, are sent to a miniaturized control unit that records the data, converts them into digital format, and ultimately sends, thanks to 5G, to a bidirectional platform transmitting them to the user's smartphone or smartwatch in addition to a remote unit that analyzes the values with the medical software.

"From the very first moment - said Umberto Sgambati, CEO of Proger Group spa that, through the Start-Up Let's Web-earable Solutions, has created the "Smart T-shirt" sensor - we have believed and invested in what seemed to us a totally revolutionary idea that today is a concrete reality. Certified as a Medical Device, it has been enriched by the predictive algorithms of cardiovascular disorders of BSP-Medical the world leader in the field of Medical Data Science".

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