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New Bioelectronic Patch Helps Treat Chronic Skin Conditions

A team of researchers from the University of Chicago, Bozhi Tian, and Columbia University have designed a novel bioelectronic patch that could be used to help monitor and treat chronic skin conditions. This device integrates advanced electronics, living cells, and hydrogel, and has shown promising results in mouse experiments.

New Bioelectronic Patch Helps Treat Chronic Skin Conditions

Image Credit: Sunbeam_ks/

Throughout his childhood, Simiao Niu struggled with psoriasis, a chronic and often excruciating skin condition that primarily affected his arms. Although sometimes effective, the prescribed ointment left him uncertain about whether he was applying the right amount, if the inflammation was healing, or when to end treatment.

Years later, while working as an engineer at Apple Inc., where he helped develop the heart rhythm monitoring technology for Apple Watches, Niu had an epiphany: Could a wearable electronic device be created to treat skin conditions like psoriasis and also provide ongoing patient feedback?

In a recent article in Science magazine, Simiao Niu, along with collaborators including scientists led by Bozhi Tian at the University of Chicago and others at Columbia University, detailed the development of a novel patch. This innovative device integrates advanced electronics, living cells, and hydrogel, demonstrating promising results in mouse experiments.

According to Niu, the patch not only offers a potential new treatment for psoriasis but also introduces a versatile technological platform capable of addressing a wide range of medical conditions, from wounds to potentially various skin cancers.

We were looking for a new type of device that combines sensing and treatment for managing skin inflammation diseases like psoriasis. We found that by combining living bacteria, flexible electronics and adhesive skin interface materials, we were able to create a new type of device.

Simiao Niu, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, Rutgers University-New Brunswick

The circular patch, approximately one inch in diameter and wafer-thin, encompasses electronic chips, bacterial cells, and a gel composed of starch and gelatin. Research team tests on mice have demonstrated that this device can continuously monitor and alleviate psoriasis-like symptoms without irritating the skin.

Niu describes this development as a significant advancement beyond traditional bioelectronics, which typically consists of electronic components encased in a soft synthetic layer to minimize skin irritation, similar to the electrode patches used in electrocardiograms.

He refers to his invention as a "living drug" because it integrates living cells into its treatment mechanism. Specifically, the gel casing of the device contains Staphylococcus epidermidis, a bacterium naturally found on human skin known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The core of the device is a thin, flexible printed circuit.

Upon application to the skin, the bacteria within the patch release compounds that reduce inflammation. Meanwhile, sensors integrated into the flexible circuits monitor various indicators of healing, such as skin impedance, temperature, and humidity. The data collected from these sensors is wirelessly transmitted to a computer or smartphone, enabling patients to track their recovery process in real time.

Reflecting on his previous tenure at Apple, Niu recalled how numerous customers sent thank-you notes to the CEO’s office, expressing gratitude for how their Apple Watches—equipped with heart rate monitors—had detected undiagnosed atrial fibrillation, a potentially life-threatening arrhythmia that could lead to strokes. This experience, he noted, reinforced the profound impact that thoughtful engineering can have on improving lives and continues to inspire his current research endeavors at Rutgers, where he joined the faculty in 2022

Niu added, “When you produce the kinds of things that positively affect people’s lives, you feel very proud. That is something that inspires me a lot and motivates me to do my current research.

Niu mentioned that the first step towards commercializing the device is to conduct clinical trials on human patients. Once these studies demonstrate beneficial results with minimal adverse effects, the team plans to seek FDA approval to bring the device to market.

Fuying Dong and Chi Han, two graduate students from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Rutgers' School of Engineering, also contributed as study authors.

Journal Reference:

Shi, J., et. al. (2024) Active biointegrated living electronics for managing inflammation. Science. doi:10.1126/science.adl1102

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