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Detecting Gas with Quantum Dot Sensors

In a recent article published in the journal Scientific Reports, researchers presented a novel approach to NO₂ detection using a solution-processed gas sensor that operates at room temperature. The sensor is based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)-doped lead sulfide (PbS) quantum dots (QDs), which offer enhanced sensitivity and stability.

The research aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of this sensor in detecting low concentrations of NO₂, thereby contributing to environmental monitoring and public health safety.

Detecting Gas with Quantum Dot Sensors
Schematic of the NO2 gas measurement system of the fabricated sensor. Image Credit:


Quantum dots are semiconductor nanocrystals that exhibit unique optical and electronic properties due to quantum confinement effects. The size of these particles can be precisely controlled during synthesis, allowing for tunable bandgaps and absorption spectra. PbS QDs have garnered attention for their ability to absorb infrared light, making them suitable for various applications, including gas sensing.

The interaction between gas molecules and the surface of QDs can lead to changes in their electrical properties, which can be measured to determine gas concentrations. The incorporation of P3HT, a conductive polymer, enhances the charge transport properties of the QD film, improving the sensor's overall performance.

This study builds on previous research exploring the use of QDs in gas sensing, highlighting the need for sensors that can operate effectively at room temperature.

The Current Study

The synthesis of PbS QDs was carried out using a solution-based method, allowing the production of uniform particles with controlled sizes. The QDs were characterized using various techniques, including absorbance spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

The absorbance spectra revealed significant peaks in the infrared region, indicating the potential for gas detection. The XRD analysis confirmed the crystalline structure of the synthesized QDs, while TEM provided insights into their size and morphology.

For the gas sensor's fabrication, a thin film of P3HT-doped PbS QDs was created on a glass substrate. The film was prepared by spin-coating the QD solution and subsequently annealing it to enhance film quality and stability. The sensor's performance was evaluated by exposing it to varying concentrations of NO₂ gas, ranging from 1 to 400 parts per billion (ppb).

The response and recovery times were measured to assess the sensor's reliability and efficiency. Additionally, repeatability tests were conducted to ensure consistent performance across multiple measurements.

Results and Discussion

The results demonstrated that the fabricated sensor exhibited a high sensitivity to NO₂ gas, particularly at low concentrations. The response values at a concentration of 400 ppb were recorded, showing a clear correlation between gas concentration and sensor response.

The sensor's response time was measured at 200 seconds, while the recovery time was 800 seconds, indicating a reasonable balance between sensitivity and operational efficiency. The repeatability tests confirmed that the sensor maintained a measurement error within 1%, underscoring its reliability.

The size of the PbS QDs played a crucial role in the sensor's performance. The QDs with a wavelength of 905 nm were found to have a size of 3.9 nm, which contributed to a larger surface area for gas interaction compared to larger QDs. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis revealed that the thin film formed from the smaller QDs exhibited minimal height deviation, suggesting a uniform and high-quality film. This uniformity is essential for maximizing the area of reaction with the gas, leading to enhanced reactivity and stable electrical characteristics.

The study also highlighted the sensor's limitations, particularly regarding the minimum wavelength range of the PbS QDs. While smaller QDs could potentially offer higher reactivity, synthesis of QDs below the 905 nm threshold proved challenging. This limitation suggests that further research is needed to explore alternative materials or methods that could enable the production of smaller QDs without compromising performance.


In conclusion, the research presented in this article demonstrates the successful development of a room-temperature NO₂ gas sensor based on P3HT-doped PbS quantum dots. The sensor exhibited high sensitivity and reliability, making it a promising alternative to traditional metal oxide sensors.

The findings underscore the potential of quantum dot technology in environmental monitoring applications, particularly for detecting harmful gases at low concentrations. Future work may focus on optimizing the synthesis of smaller QDs and exploring other materials that could further enhance sensor performance.

Overall, this innovative approach contributes to the ongoing efforts to improve air quality monitoring and public health safety.

Journal Reference

Kwon J., Ha Y., et al. (2024). Solution-processed NO2 gas sensor based on poly(3-hexylthiophene)-doped PbS quantum dots operable at room temperature. Scientific Reports 14, 20600. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-71453-9,

Dr. Noopur Jain

Written by

Dr. Noopur Jain

Dr. Noopur Jain is an accomplished Scientific Writer based in the city of New Delhi, India. With a Ph.D. in Materials Science, she brings a depth of knowledge and experience in electron microscopy, catalysis, and soft materials. Her scientific publishing record is a testament to her dedication and expertise in the field. Additionally, she has hands-on experience in the field of chemical formulations, microscopy technique development and statistical analysis.    


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