Hexagon Metrology recently unveiled its Leitz LSP-S4 Ultra Low Force measurement head, which is suitable for use in complicated applications including measuring glass or plastic lenses, surfaces and profiles.
The device has a minimal trigger force of up to 0.005N to ensure that no scratch marks are left on the component while it is being inspected. Company spokespeople say tactile sensors will need to be integrated into the equipment used to determine measurements of coated or polished lenses, copper, titanium or aluminum components, or even when the components feature sensitive or reflective surfaces.
It is easy to replace the stylus in both the LSP-S4 and LSP-S4 devices by using a Precitec chromatic white-light sensor (CWS). This sensor technology is based on the chromatic confocal measurement method. This method of visual measurement causes accuracy in readings even if the surface is sloped, reflective or refractive. The device also offers a high axial resolution for use in determining the measurements of complicated structures. The device is also immune to differential ambient light.