OPTISENSE Networks, a company specializing in the field of MV voltage sensors and optical current for Smart Grid optimization, has declared that it would participate in the IEEE Power Energy Society Meeting and support Alabama Power. The meeting would be held from 24 to 29 July, 2011 in Detroit in Michigan.
OPTISENSE’s CEO, Stephen Prince revealed that the company is happy to support Alabama Power as they present their findings with regard to Medium Voltage sensors for the Smart Grid on the 27th of July.
An important component of Volt/VAR Optimization, service restoration, conservation voltage reduction and fault detection along with the postponement of new generation capacity is its intelligence beyond the substation. Alabama Power had been both deploying and testing medium voltage sensors for finding out the health of their distribution system inclusive of power quality, power factor and phase balance at many points on their feeders.
Prince further revealed that utilities such as Alabama Power could efficiently run their distribution systems with real-time current, voltage and power factor data, leading to a considerable amount of annual savings.
Engineers in utilities are trying to determine better options for managing resources, demand and infrastructure expenses. Alabama Power with its early adoption of MV sensors to precisely manage load over their service territory, has gained extension of asset life and significant financial benefits.
A reception will be held by OPTISENSE for IEEE PES attendees on the 27th of July, where IEEE members could talk about the OptiSensor test results.