The Metalarm MA3600 bearing the brand names of Hawk and Eagle from Eriez have been approved by CSA International. This approval from CSA certifies that the MA3600 metal detector has passed the formal evaluation and testing process and the follow-up inspection process.
Success in this evaluation set up means that the product is compliant with the standard safety and performance standards. The CSA international body is recognised in the US as a Nationally Recognised Testing Lab (NRTL) by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and in Canada by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).
The two models of metal detectors, Hawk and Eagle, are best suited to operate in rugged environments such as quarries and mines and rubber and plastic units. These sensors work on pulse induction concept, which enables sensitivity to balance coil detection. They can be effectively used in shielding crushers, screens, granulators and conveyor belts. The Hawk detector is effective in applications that need a larger chunk of metal to be detected, such as in steel corded belts. Coils that show lesser sensitivity could be made available based on the requirement. These sensors exhibit sensitivity to metals which is proportionate to the aperture height. The Eagle on the other hand is useful in detection of minute ferrous parts that is, wherever higher sensitivities are needed. Both the detectors incorporate microprocessors and come with a self-corrective fault indication mechanism. The operating frequency can be varied according to the different applications and the sensitivity requirements. The coils in the sensors are made up of high density polyethylene which meets the EMC standards. The installation of both the detectors is a hassle free procedure. They come with a control unit that is housed in a stainless steel enclosure and an anti-condensation heater.