Research and Markets offers a detailed report on the trends in the GPS market, titled ‘GPS Tracking and Navigation Market in India 2011’. It has been mentioned in the report that the global positioning market (GPS) was worth Rs.4.7 billion in the year 2009 and shows a potential for growth in the future.
The growth is primarily due to the increasing demand for tracking and navigation services from a varied consumer segments that are driving the market.
The report also talks about the increase in the involvement of both domestic and foreign companies in the increasing demand. The Indian Government on its part is expected to opt for more number of GPS based solutions, thereby, contributing to the already increasing demand. The report is structured in an organised manner, beginning with an introduction to the technology providing the reader a detailed overview of the GPS system, its components and an overview of the market. The Geographical Information System (GIS) Market overview section dwells into the market leaders at global level and then into the Indian market growth and figures. This section also talks about the end users in this segment and the advantages they are provided with.
The product category section of the report provides details of the different kinds of GPS products that are currently available in the Indian Market and also mentions the type end users who use these products. There is a dedicated section that discusses the various advantages for the users by the GPS systems. Mobile Phone GPS technology and the likely increase in its usage has also been touched upon in the report. A section in the report also talks about the role of GPS in SMBs.