SightLogix, a supplier of the perimeter and outdoor area security video systems has introduced a SightSensor thermal camera, which can introduce thermal video analytics to mainstream pricing. The SightSensors increase the accuracy of the finest thermal pictures taken outside and performs better analytics at lowered cost.
This considerable price reduction enables thermal analytic video capability pricing to be on par with visible cameras and fence sensors with analytics. This has been possible by minimizing electronics and housing costs, streamlining manufacturing and doubling the SightSensor’s on-board image accuracy. The detection in tough outdoor environments can be made more precise by employing new precision video analytics. The clear, comprehensive thermal images can be obtained both during the day and night by an image contrast enhancement technology.
The thermal SightSensor camera includes lens optics, image contrast enhancement, thermal imager, electronic stabilization, video analytics software, cameral control, and tracking of geospatial target inside a NEMA 4 X nitrogen-purged housing. The thermal camera has utilized the on-board video processing in both 600 m and 90 m ranges for less Nuisance Alarm Rates (NAR) and increased Probability of Detect (PD).
John Romanowich, CEO and President of SightLogix, stated that the new thermal SightSensor gives accurate security in external areas and makes it useful for mainstream industry. Romanowich added that the SightSenor, with visible cameras and other electronics, performs thermal video analytics at normal expenses for perimeter security.