A research conference will be hosted on April 3 at NASA's Langley Research Center in Reid Conference Center, where Bill Vass, CEO of Liquid Robotics will deliver a presentation titled ‘Where the Cloud Meets the Ocean’.
The presentation will be based on marine robots. Vass will explain about the integration of seven megatrends to revolutionize the ocean research operations and universal data collection.
The event’s question session will take place from 1:15 p.m. It serves as an opportunity for the media representatives to clarify their questions with Vass.
Sigma Series event will be conducted on April 3 at 7:30 p.m., where Vass will host a similar presentation. This event is open to public and will take place at the Virginia Air & Space Center in downtown Hampton.
Previously, Ocean operations and data collection has been carried out with satellite systems, expensive ships and buoys. As a CEO of Liquid Robotics, Vass explains how data collection is conducted in his company. Information from harsh offshore environments will be collected using a convergence of micro and nano sensors, cloud computing, wave energy propulsion system, smart phone computing technology, robotics, wireless communications and GPS. The technology also supports maritime security.
Automatic operation of marine robots requires energy utilization from the environment. The independent operation robot bases a technology, which will be explained by Vass. The presentation will also include the technology’s transformation potential and its effect on the future of marine robotic systems and the existing business models. Vass has achieved well-established customer link with environmental, energy, communications, shipping, fisheries, intelligence, scientific, and defense markets.