May 21 2010
A&E Television Networks’ researcher managers and programming executives resorted to neurological testing techniques for gaining an insight into the manner in which viewers responded during their hit shows’ advertising programs.
They gave this task to NeuroFocus for applying the state-of-the-art marketing science to examine the subconscious reactions to the ‘intervention’ program content along with the ads within this program. Critics and audiences have highly rated this intervention series.
As one of the leading neuromarketing firm in the world, NeuroFocus has built and operated independent laboratories for neurological testing for a broad range of clients in both abroad and the U.S. NeuroLabs are completely staffed with consultants, market researchers, neurophysiologists, neuroscientists who are focusing on a single client’s operations. They measure brainwave activities of consumers, which is integrated by NeuroFocus with biometrics and eye tracking techniques to find out the most accurate, actionable and comprehensive research results in the marketplace.
These measurements are recorded at the subconscious level through very advanced sensors capable of capturing brainwave activities at the rate of 2000 times per second. This enables the neurological testing to analyze the effectiveness of advertising, entertainment content, in-store environment, packaging, products, brands, and so on.
The Intervention study has helped the NeuroFocus research to conclusively prove that strongly emotional content in programs resulted in improving the effectiveness of commercials that formed part of the program. The program episode included advertiser spots from six different categories. These six spots were then positioned in identical pods on another network that featured a popular dramatic series episode.
The subconscious responses of viewers were gathered and examined to find out the priming effects on the particular advertising event by the program content. The results demonstrated that the intervention program’s aired advertisement had the maximum effect in creating emotional engagement of viewers in each of its six categories in comparison to the similar advertisement placed in another network’s drama episode.