Jul 28 2010
Android, a platform for developing or creating applications, has a number of appealing UI (user interface) components, and is a perfect platform for developing new appliances that are innovative,(especially for Java users) such as developing a baby monitor, opening and closing doors by using sound, and seismograph and it helps in data management.
This device is not only confined to cell phones, but other products like WiFi and EDGE with wireless network connectivity can also use Android.
Unlike the conventional or existing mobile phone models, where access to the hardware is not easy, it can be made possible with the android sensor, by writing codes or programs on its open source platform and can be easily downloaded.
The main element of the sensor program is the sensor Listener interface, which involves an int value for the changed sensor, and a float value for the sensor itself. To use the sensor, registration should be carried out through the register Listener of the sensor manager.