Machine and plant builders obtain an uncomplicated solution for complex and highly dynamic handling tasks.
It just couldn't be easier: for handling systems in demanding applications and with dynamic 3D motion paths, users can order the complete control system CMCA from Festo with just one order number and receive a package which includes an axis controller, 3D motion control, motor controller and safety concept.
Each complete system is delivered by Festo with the basic parameterisation so that commissioning is made quick and easy. The integrated safety concept is especially helpful as it can be easily integrated into a customer's safety hierarchy. What is more, attractively priced standard solutions are available, offering basic projects pre-programmed in CoDeSys.
The control system CMCA is available either in a control cabinet or on a mounting plate and perfectly complements Festo handling systems such as the delta-kinematic tripod and the high-speed H- or T-gantry. All that customers need is one part number and they will receive a complete ready-to-install system.
It allows machine and plant builders to obtain an uncomplicated solution for complex and highly dynamic handling tasks. This control solution is as suited for complex motion paths using multi-axis systems with two to a maximum of four axes as it is for simple handling applications.