Global Industrial Wireless Sensor Network Market Forecast to Grow at 12.96% CAGR to $944.92 Million by 2020

The Industrial Wireless Sensor Network (IWSN) is the network of distributed autonomous sensors, which are used to monitor physical or environmental conditions. IWSNs are deployed in harsh environment areas, where wired networks cannot be deployed easily.

This report classifies the IWSN market into four different segments, such as market by sensors, technologies, applications and geographies. The report entails the analyses and forecasts related to the IWSN market.

The report scope includes the IWSN market by sensor, technology, application, and geography. Based on the sensors used, the IWSN market has been classified into temperature, pressure, flow, level, chemical and gas, motion and position, humidity, and image sensors. The application segment includes chemical, mining, food and beverage, medical and healthcare, power and energy, oil and gas, and automotive, among others.

The global IWSN market size is estimated to grow from $401.23 million in 2013 to $944.92 million by 2020 at a CAGR of 12.96% from 2014 to 2020. The wireless temperature sensors are expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.42%. This growth is heralded by the oil and gas, automotive, and food and beverages industries.

The report analyzes the entire market on the basis of all the major geographic segments, such as North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle-East, and Asia. North America is currently the largest market for IWSN systems, but the Asian region is expected to exhibit a high growth in the next seven years.

The report also draws the competitive landscape of the IWSN industry by analyzing the major players and the strategies adopted by them for growth in the market. Apart from the market segmentation data, the report also includes qualitative analysis of various market dynamics such as the drivers, restraints, opportunities, burning issues, and winning imperatives. It also analyzes the overall market through various models, such as Porter's five forces model.

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