Jan 27 2015
Millennial Net announced today the release of its 3rd generation wireless/standalone electric thermostat, Wi-Stat IIIe. It is designed for easy retrofit to existing HVAC infrastructures without disruptive and expensive rewiring. Wi-Stat IIIe replaces existing manual, analog or programmable thermostats and can support most single- or dual-stage conventional heating and cooling as well as heat pump systems.

The new Wi-Stat IIIe combines the best of two worlds:
- It can be used as wireless thermostat in large multi-zone buildings as part of a centralized Building Automation System (BAS); or
- It can act as a conventional digital 5/2 day programmable thermostat.
"The Wi-Stat IIIe truly stands out in a slew of networked thermostats," says Sheng Liu, President and CEO of Millennial Net. "It is not another Wi-Fi thermostat - Wi-Stat IIIe communicates via extremely robust and already proven Meshscape® wireless mesh technology and can be easily deployed in large, multi-story buildings or can be used as your regular programmable thermostat."
The new Wi-Stat IIIe allows for greater deployment flexibility – existing conventional thermostats can be replaced with Wi-Stat IIIe programmable devices as part of normal maintenance, without adding a full blown BAS. Building owners can begin saving on energy costs much sooner by using Wi-Stat IIIe thermostats as standalone programmable devices. Later, already installed Wi-Stat IIIe thermostats can be easily switched to wireless mode and integrated into a centralized BAS. Wi-Stat IIIe functions as Internet-of-Things (IoT) and is compatible with:
- BACnet IP Building Automation Systems
- Modbus TCP/IP or Modbus RTU controllers
- Millennial Net SEMS (Standalone Energy Management Solution), a PC-based building energy management solution
The Wi-Stat IIIe is intended for use in commercial, industrial and municipal multi-zone HVAC environments to enable greater energy-policy compliance, multi-site remote monitoring and control, and usage analysis. Complex building environments, such as, office, retail, hospitality, entertainment, school, multi-unit dwellings and municipal buildings have a need for regular and ad-hoc environmental occupancy patterns. Wireless thermostat Wi-Stat IIIe allows achieving better energy conservation by aligning HVAC operation and with set points that closely match occupancy comfort requirements.
The new Wi-Stat IIIe is another addition to an already vast line of Millennial Net's innovative Wireless Energy Management Solution products, such as the award-winning digital-wireless-pneumatic thermostat Wi-Stat IIIp, temperature sensors Wi-Zone and Wi-Temp, energy sub-meter Wi-LEM, pulse counter Wi-Pulse and many others. Millennial Net's Wireless EMS is perfect for buildings with multiple HVAC systems, combining pneumatic and electric thermostat controls, energy, temperature, water and gas sub-metering under one single solution. Flexible and robust Meshscape wireless technology allows adding or moving devices within buildings with ease and without additional programming and configuration.
To find more information about the Wi-Stat IIIe, please see http://www.millennialnet.com/Wi-StatIIIe.
This and other MeshScape products and solutions are available through system integrators and contractors, globally. To become a reseller or find a provider for your building please contact us at [email protected].