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Rochester Researchers to Test MC10’s Biostamp Wearable Biometric Sensing Sticker

Massachusetts company MC10, Inc., a pioneer in biometric-sensor-enabled analytics, has announced a collaboration with University of Rochester. This initiative unites MC10’s technological capabilities in physiological sensing and pattern recognition algorithms with the University’s clinical expertise and commitment to big data analytics to drive solutions for today’s most pressing healthcare challenges.

Biostamp is a seamless sensing sticker that stretches, flexes, and moves with the body. (Photo courtesy of MC10.)

The Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences will lead the effort. Rob Clark, senior vice president for research and dean of the Hajim School, sees the collaboration with MC10 as supportive of the University’s efforts to translate patient healthcare data into actionable findings.

“At the University of Rochester, we are committed to fostering collaborative research to improve human health,” Clark said. “We see great potential in working with MC10 and in exploiting the biometric insights that are realized from MC10’s technology platform in addressing some of the greatest challenges we see in healthcare today.”

MC10 sought out a collaboration with the University based on its world-class facilities and its vision to be the 21st century leader in data science with its recent creation of the Goergen Institute for Data Science.

MC10 is uniquely positioned to support the University in its research efforts with its BioStamp platform, which consists of MC10’s biometric sensing devices, a companion software application, and an end-to-end cloud storage and computing platform. BioStamp will be put to the test in a variety of clinical settings by a diverse group of Rochester researchers, which will further drive MC10’s collection of big data and development of disease-specific algorithms for use in predictive health analytics. MC10 will maximize its engineering support for this collaboration by opening an office in Rochester and it also intends to collaborate with graduate students from the Hajim School.

Additionally, Medical Center’s Dr. Ray Dorsey, professor of neurology and co-director of the Center for Human Experimental Therapeutics, will lead research efforts in the field of neurodegenerative disease.

“Connected health technologies hold the potential to disrupt the way we monitor the progression of neurodegenerative disorders today and to assess the response to novel therapeutics,” said Dorsey. “Wearable sensors, like those from MC10, can enable objective, sensitive, frequent assessments of an individual’s condition to improve their health and advance new treatments for neurological conditions. Through the seamless exchange of data between patients and physicians we can move healthcare outside of the clinic and truly overcome distance and disability.”

MC10’s CEO Scott Pomerantz, a University alumnus and member of the Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC), will join Dorsey at the Summit on Friday, May 29 to share MC10’s healthcare vision and to discuss mobile medicine. The summit, sponsored by the University, brings together healthcare leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and forward thinkers to foster disruptive solutions to improve the health of aging Americans.

“At MC10 we believe that technologies to enable better clinical decision making are instrumental for improving American health,” said Pomerantz. “We are building the team, technology and partnerships to be better positioned than ever to have a transformational impact on healthcare.”

About MC10:
MC10 brings healthcare into the home with products that unite consumer design with clinical-grade sensing and insight. The company develops body onboard diagnostics systems that can collect human physiological data from any body location to deliver actionable health insights. MC10 is headquartered in Cambridge, MA. Visit MC10 online at BioStamp, MC10 and the MC10 logo are registered marks owned by MC10, Inc.

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