Monnit has introduced seven cost-effective wireless sensors developed for industrial, commercial and consumer purposes. These wireless sensors can also be used as a Plug and Sense Ethernet Gateway.
The sensors add to Monnit's existing line of cost-effective wireless sensors to suit a wide range of applications. Some of the new wireless sensors include the WIT Wireless Infrared Motion Sensor, WIT Wireless LUX Sensor, WIT Wireless Flex Sensor, WIT Wireless High Accuracy Humidity Sensor, WIT Wireless Analog Voltage Sensor, WIT Wireless 0-20mA Current Sensor, and WIT Wireless Liquid Level Sensor.
The WIT Wireless Infrared Motion Sensor is useful for detecting movement with the help of infrared technology. The WIT Wireless Flex Sensor determines the extent of bending force enforced onto a flexible ribbon. The WIT Wireless LUX Sensor evaluates the light intensity and provides a LUX value for the amount of light available. The WIT Wireless High Accuracy Humidity Sensor measures factors such as temperature, relative humidity, and dew point between 10% - 90% humidity and a +/- 2% accuracy. A wireless interface for 0-20mA sensors is achieved using the WIT Wireless 0-20mA Current Sensor. The WIT Wireless Analog Voltage Sensor offers a wireless interface for recording the voltage from other equipment. WIT Wireless Liquid Level Sensor identifies the level of a liquid present in a container by determining its position on a liquid sensitive ribbon.
MonnitLink Ethernet Gateway equips Monnit WIT Wireless Sensors to correspond with Monnit's online sensor monitoring and alerting system, thus eliminating the requirement for a computer. These wireless sensors are specifically designed to locate and observe every task crucial to personal life or business such as the presence of water, light, temperature, humidity, distress, and movement.
Monnit’s wireless gateways allow data transfer between the iMonnit online monitoring and notification system and local sensor networks. The company’s software enables users to customize and receive notification of events via text messages or email.