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WGS Certification Testing Complete for Globecomm’s LT Auto-Explorer Terminal

Globecomm announced today that its Lightweight Transport (LT) Auto-Explorer terminal successfully completed Ka-Band certification testing to operate over the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) network. This product roadmap milestone complements the LT’s X-Band WGS certification allowing full WGS flexibility in either frequency band.

Globecomm 1.0 and 1.2-Meter Auto-Explorer LT antenna terminals have successfully completed rigorous testing from the U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (SMDC/ARSTRAT). The Auto-Explorer LT 1.2 X-Band and 1.0-Meter Ka-Band configurations are now qualified to operate over Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS).

Keith Hall, Globecomm CEO said: “This certification confirms the high standards of operability of this terminal. As the US and its WGS foreign partners plan acquisition strategies for Ka and X-Band ground terminal assets, WGS Certification is a 100% mandatory prerequisite to respond. Completing the LT certification in both military bands enables Globecomm to promote our WGS ready LT product family to satisfy these future needs.”

Military requirements for Ka-Band frequencies are driven by the availability of the Air Force’s WGS space segment operating in both X- and Ka-Band. Military officers have embraced Ka-Band terminals to take full advantage of the entire WGS fleet’s capability, which was further enhanced with WGS-5 and WGS-6 capacity earlier this year.

The Auto Explorer transportable satellite terminals are lightweight, high-performance, two-way communication systems designed for military units and government agencies. They seamlessly extend user networks to remote edge locations to enable secure voice, data and video communications.

The terminals are comprised of segmented antennas, feed systems, solid state power amplifiers, low noise block downconverters, TDMA/IP modems, and auto acquisition control systems. The Auto-Explorer LT terminal supports several OEM L-band modem products from Comtech EF Data, iDirect, Hughes and ViaSat and is available in single-, dual- or tri-Band configurations.

The Auto Explorer LT Terminal will be on displayed during the Satellite 2014 Conference and Exhibition in Washington DC, March 11-13, 2014, at the Globecomm Booth 5061. Please stop by to see the products unique features and capabilities. We are eager to discuss how this certified terminal can help your mission needs.

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